Label lighting cues
Label when audio cues start
Label if images "fade in" or "pop in"
Label when audio fade out or stop
Label when images "fade out" or "pop out"
If you want to use YouTube videos for video or audio they must be converted into files with MP4 (video) or MP3 (audio) formats.
You can use a free site to like this to convert them: -
Saving Songs from iTunes to your Dropbox folder is easy. Just drag the song you'd like to save to the Dropbox folder.
An alternate way of saving Songs from iTunes to your Dropbox folder is just as easy.
Saving photos from Google
Bundled QLab folders should be uploaded to your Dropbox folder.
Your QLab folder will include: 2 "folders" and 1 ".qlab file" inside.
Images in JPG or PNG. 1280x800 resolution.
smaller images look blurry with projected.
Movies in MP4 or MOV. 1920x1080 resolution.
Music/Sounds in MP3 or WAV.
Preshow/Postshow music should be about 6 songs.
Scripts must be labeled with cues.
Label each file the same as it is in the script.
Number each file like this example:
projections: 01_showgraphic.jpg, 02_parents.jpg, 03_video.mp4
audio: 01_beepsound.mp3, 02_song.mp3
Numbering your files helps you and me see if you have all your files and where they go in the script.
Designing starts at $250 depending on cue amount.
Rush charges will apply if given less than a week.